The companies belonging to Confartigianato will participate in the ItalySpace mission organized in collaboration with the Italian-Kazakh chamber of commerce.
During the meetings with importers from Kazakhstan, scheduled in the cities of Almaty and Astana, the excellence of the Made in Italy and Ciociaria brands will be presented.
The following companies have joined the initiative organized by Confartigianato:
Pasta Nonna Teresa and pasta Alessandra;
Antica Mola pasta factory;
Sperlonga oil and oil of the Popes;
Truffles and truffle sauces "Il Bosco Magico";
Company "Fallone Veronica" with sauces, oils and wines;
Modenese Lambrusco wines and traditional balsamic vinegar of Modena Garuti company;
Dante's House wines;
Maria Elena Sinibaldi winery from Cesanese del Piglio;
Company NewPan, processing of bread and semi-finished products;
Santa Lucia Dairy. High mountain Parmigiano Reggiano from the Modena area;
Madeccia oil;
Colle Fraioli oil;
Genoese oil;
Guarcino Amaretto biscuits.
Crescenzi coffee.
After the recent January mission to Qatar, the actions of ItalySpace continue for the diffusion of the made in Italy brand in the world.
Info missione +39 339 856 0694